Thursday, February 4, 2010


I got to spend time with a great man today. I’ve never met him before, and yet I see others just like him everyday. I was fortunate enough to learn a little about his family, his two young daughters and his mother. I was informed that he was “larger than life” in both physical stature and attitude. And what a great sense of humor he had. This man also taught me how precious life is and to cherish it everyday, and never ever take it for granted.

The man I am talking about is Lieutenant Eric Shuhandler. I have attended many ceremonies for fallen Officers. Each one is tougher than the last. I am not ashamed of the emotion that arises every time I go. I don’t know of any grizzled, cynical cop that can keep a dry eye when the eerie sound of the bag pipes start to play or the mournful sound of Taps is heard. But, I continue to go to every one of these funerals. It just feels wrong not to.

So I take off my dress uniform and remove the shroud from my badge. I place the shroud in my locker because I know, no matter how much I wish it wasn’t true, that I will need it for next time.


Warthog said...

James this is a touching post. I can not begin to understand what it must be like to put your life on the line everyday you go to work. That must make it very hard to go to a funeral of a brother who died doing the exact same job that you do.

It is impossible to thank you and your fellow police officers enough for putting your personal safety second so that you can serve your community to bring criminals to justice.

Anonymous said...

May God Bless all our Military, Police Officers, County Officers & Firefighters. They are there every day for us to protect and serve. We all too often take their service for granted. Our hearts especially go out to the families of the fallen. May the Lord be with them and give them His peace in these difficult times.
Kathy Burman

Anonymous said...

Well said James. That officer was from my town of Gilbert. We can't afford to lose anymore of the good guys.
Steve Sr.