I couldn't agree more. This guy is telling it straight and I find that refreshing. This is straight talk with zero political correctness and I love it. I would find it hard not to vote for this guy regardless of his party, but I highly doubt a Democrat would ever say such a thing.
This guy is not saying that all welfare recipients are bad, he is pointing out the ones who have always been on welfare, who have children who will grow up to be on welfare, and on and on.
Am I the heartless one for not providing the hand out forever or am I the compassionate one who refuses to give a hand out indefinitely and forces a person to make his/her own way in life? I think one is about owning an obedient pet and the other is treating a person like a human.
Make sure to click on the link to see the full article. I have edited it for size and to make my point.
FOXNews.com - South Carolina Lt. Gov. Under Fire for Comparing Welfare Users to Stray Animals:
"The lieutenant governor of South Carolina is taking heat for comparing people on government assistance to 'stray animals' and saying the government should stop 'feeding' welfare recipients who do not meet certain requirements because 'they breed.'
Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer, a Republican, was arguing for fundamental changes to welfare to break the 'cycle of dependency' at a town hall meeting in Fountain Inn, S.C., on Friday, when he said:
'My grandmother was not a highly educated woman, but she told me as a small child to quit feeding stray animals. You know why? Because they breed. You're facilitating the problem if you give an animal or a person ample food supply. ...
'They will reproduce,' Bauer said, 'especially ones that don't think too much further than that. And so what you've got to do is you've got to curtail that type of behavior. They don't know any better.'"
The lieutenant governor said he intended in his remarks to stress the need to "break cycles of dependency." He said he was approached afterward by a black minister who asked him to he deliver the same speech at his church.
"He said 'you are right on the money,'" Bauer told FoxNews.com. "This was a diverse crowd and nobody there had a problem with the message.
"We've got to really look at every dollar we're spending. A hand-out is basically relief without any demand for change," he said.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Another home invasion in Arizona
Homeowner shoots intruder with shotgun
by Michael Ferraresi and Jolie McCullough - Jan. 27, 2010 05:43 PM
The Arizona Republic
Phoenix police are investigating an incident in which a northeast Phoenix homeowner shot and killed an intruder with a 12-gauge shotgun blast to the belly.
The homeowner phoned 911 at 1:45 p.m. after shooting the intruder at his home in the 4300 block of East Libby Street, northwest of Bell Road and 44th Street, according to the Phoenix Fire Department. The homeowner told police that the intruder had asked for his car keys, money and identification.
The incident is believed to have started at approximately 1:15 p.m. when the suspect was spotted burglarizing a vending machine at a car wash on Tatum Boulevard and Charleston Avenue, said Sgt. Tommy Thompson.
In his attempt to leave the scene, the suspect cracked his axle but continued to drive away, stopping by an elementary school close to the home he invaded.
Foothills Elementary School was put on lockdown for a short time while police searched the area for the burglar.
"As they were searching the area, they heard a pop," said Thompson. The pop was the blast from the homeowner's shotgun.
Firefighters transported the intruder to an area hospital where he died from his injuries.
by Michael Ferraresi and Jolie McCullough - Jan. 27, 2010 05:43 PM
The Arizona Republic
Phoenix police are investigating an incident in which a northeast Phoenix homeowner shot and killed an intruder with a 12-gauge shotgun blast to the belly.
The homeowner phoned 911 at 1:45 p.m. after shooting the intruder at his home in the 4300 block of East Libby Street, northwest of Bell Road and 44th Street, according to the Phoenix Fire Department. The homeowner told police that the intruder had asked for his car keys, money and identification.
The incident is believed to have started at approximately 1:15 p.m. when the suspect was spotted burglarizing a vending machine at a car wash on Tatum Boulevard and Charleston Avenue, said Sgt. Tommy Thompson.
In his attempt to leave the scene, the suspect cracked his axle but continued to drive away, stopping by an elementary school close to the home he invaded.
Foothills Elementary School was put on lockdown for a short time while police searched the area for the burglar.
"As they were searching the area, they heard a pop," said Thompson. The pop was the blast from the homeowner's shotgun.
Firefighters transported the intruder to an area hospital where he died from his injuries.
If you think they for got about our guns you are wrong
Gun Control has not been mentioned in the news in a long time and it often puts people to sleep. I hear from Dirty Libs all the time that no one is trying to take our guns. Well they might not be working on it now, but they have it in the back of there mind. It is just one tragedy, needing to be exploited, away.
Home Invasion - Phoenix, Arizona
These bad guys probably hit the wrong house, but this is another example of why you must arm and train yourself. The victims are lucky they are not dead.
Gunmen invade Phoenix home, lock family inside room
Several armed men entered a Phoenix home early Wednesday morning, locking a family inside a room and stealing the family's truck, police said.
The robbery occurred near 91st Avenue and Lower Buckeye Road on the 9000 block of West Watkins Street shortly after 5 a.m., Phoenix police Sgt. Tommy Thompson said.er James Holmes said. The robbers, wearing ski masks and black clothing, kicked open the door and claimed they were police officers serving a search warrant.
Police were told the robbers had at least two automatic rifles and handguns. They forced the five victims into a bedroom and demanded marijuana and money from the family. The victims said they had neither. One resident was tied up, but no one was injured, police said.
The robbers stole cash and a black Ford F-150 pickup truck, license plate 281-TSB. They fled the scene in the truck and a small, dark blue Nissan, Holmes said.
Police have made no connection between the suspects and the victims. There was also no indication of drugs in the home.
Police are still searching for the robbers. A similar home invasion occurred hours earlier in Mesa, but detectives said they have found no connection in the cases.
The robbery occurred near 91st Avenue and Lower Buckeye Road on the 9000 block of West Watkins Street shortly after 5 a.m., Phoenix police Sgt. Tommy Thompson said.er James Holmes said. The robbers, wearing ski masks and black clothing, kicked open the door and claimed they were police officers serving a search warrant.
Police were told the robbers had at least two automatic rifles and handguns. They forced the five victims into a bedroom and demanded marijuana and money from the family. The victims said they had neither. One resident was tied up, but no one was injured, police said.
The robbers stole cash and a black Ford F-150 pickup truck, license plate 281-TSB. They fled the scene in the truck and a small, dark blue Nissan, Holmes said.
Police have made no connection between the suspects and the victims. There was also no indication of drugs in the home.
Police are still searching for the robbers. A similar home invasion occurred hours earlier in Mesa, but detectives said they have found no connection in the cases.
Fails of 2009 -
This is the perfect argument for not having universal health care. Your money would go to help these idiots!!!
This is just meant for fun so dirty libs should not get their panties in a bunch.
This is just meant for fun so dirty libs should not get their panties in a bunch.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Arizona Senate Bill Would Allow Professors to Carry Concealed on Campus
It is a good start. Next I want to see students allowed to carry on campus as well.
Bill would allow university professors to carry guns on campus
A bill in the Arizona Legislature would allow faculty at community colleges and state universities to carry guns on campus as long as they have concealed-weapons permits.
Senate Bill 1011, sponsored by Republican Sen. Jack Harper of Surprise, comes on the heels of passage last year of a bill that allows guns to be stored inside locked car trunks on public college campuses.
The latest bill is already generating debate among faculty, who are trying to figure out whether the legislation has legs. Faculty groups at Arizona have not yet taken positions.
“It's on our radar, and we're watching it with great attention and scrutiny,” said Rojann Alpers, an ASU professor and chair of the university's academic council.
Although the UA Faculty Senate has not voted, chair Wanda Howell said the senate wouldn't support the latest bill given the faculty's opposition to the previous law change that allows people to keep guns locked inside their cars on campus.
Since the 2007 shootings at Virginia Tech that left 33 people dead, a handful of states have sought to put legislation in place that relaxes college firearm laws. Most states still prohibit guns on campus.
The latest Arizona bill is a narrower version of legislation introduced two years ago by then-State Sen. Karen Johnson. The Mesa Republican sought to allow firearms on college campuses as long as the person carrying the weapon was at least 21 years old and had a concealed-weapons permit.
Johnson believed some of the college tragedies in other states could have been prevented or minimized if people had the ability to fight back. That bill never made it into law. Critics of more lenient gun laws say permitting guns would make campuses more dangerous and could create confusion among law enforcement if an incident were to occur.
Harper said an Arizona university professor, who feels like staff are “sitting ducks” on campus, brought the issue to him. He said his intention is to limit the bill to college faculty and not expand it to students and other staff.
He believes the legislation will make college campuses safer by deterring criminals. It would eliminate what is essentially now a “defense-free zone” with only campus police permitted to carry guns.
“Making criminals think twice about being predatory in any situation can only be good for the faculty,” he said.
Harper said the bill is expected to be heard next week in the Senate's Public Safety and Human Services Committee. He believes the legislation has enough votes to pass committee.
—Anne Ryman
Bill would allow university professors to carry guns on campus
A bill in the Arizona Legislature would allow faculty at community colleges and state universities to carry guns on campus as long as they have concealed-weapons permits.
Senate Bill 1011, sponsored by Republican Sen. Jack Harper of Surprise, comes on the heels of passage last year of a bill that allows guns to be stored inside locked car trunks on public college campuses.
The latest bill is already generating debate among faculty, who are trying to figure out whether the legislation has legs. Faculty groups at Arizona have not yet taken positions.
“It's on our radar, and we're watching it with great attention and scrutiny,” said Rojann Alpers, an ASU professor and chair of the university's academic council.
Although the UA Faculty Senate has not voted, chair Wanda Howell said the senate wouldn't support the latest bill given the faculty's opposition to the previous law change that allows people to keep guns locked inside their cars on campus.
Since the 2007 shootings at Virginia Tech that left 33 people dead, a handful of states have sought to put legislation in place that relaxes college firearm laws. Most states still prohibit guns on campus.
The latest Arizona bill is a narrower version of legislation introduced two years ago by then-State Sen. Karen Johnson. The Mesa Republican sought to allow firearms on college campuses as long as the person carrying the weapon was at least 21 years old and had a concealed-weapons permit.
Johnson believed some of the college tragedies in other states could have been prevented or minimized if people had the ability to fight back. That bill never made it into law. Critics of more lenient gun laws say permitting guns would make campuses more dangerous and could create confusion among law enforcement if an incident were to occur.
Harper said an Arizona university professor, who feels like staff are “sitting ducks” on campus, brought the issue to him. He said his intention is to limit the bill to college faculty and not expand it to students and other staff.
He believes the legislation will make college campuses safer by deterring criminals. It would eliminate what is essentially now a “defense-free zone” with only campus police permitted to carry guns.
“Making criminals think twice about being predatory in any situation can only be good for the faculty,” he said.
Harper said the bill is expected to be heard next week in the Senate's Public Safety and Human Services Committee. He believes the legislation has enough votes to pass committee.
—Anne Ryman
Hugo Chavez makes another move to solidify power. He has silenced more dissident news organizations that refused to show his propaganda videos.
I am not going to say all American Leftists or Progressives are a like, but there are Progressives who have come out openly to say that Venezuela is a prime example of socialism democratically taking control.
Currently, Venezuela is having some issues. Protesters are out in mass and pro Chavez groups are fighting them. Different sources I have read say that the police are trying to keep the peace and are actually breaking up the fights.
If the people were armed in Venezuela, Chavez would not have the guts to take these actions. He would soon find himself staring down the barrel of a gun and the people taking their country back.
I am not going to say all American Leftists or Progressives are a like, but there are Progressives who have come out openly to say that Venezuela is a prime example of socialism democratically taking control.
Currently, Venezuela is having some issues. Protesters are out in mass and pro Chavez groups are fighting them. Different sources I have read say that the police are trying to keep the peace and are actually breaking up the fights.
If the people were armed in Venezuela, Chavez would not have the guts to take these actions. He would soon find himself staring down the barrel of a gun and the people taking their country back.
The New Obama
So apparently there are some changes coming from the White House. I am caustiously optimistic and willing to listen to what is being offered.
I have been listening to the talking heads and neither side is happy with the changes. The right hates anything Obama does so even if he changed parties, nuked Iran, and started driving an SUV I am sure there would be skeptics.
The left is also pissed that their great leader is not progressive enough for them and isn't going to shove unwanted health care down our throats.
My concern is that in order to show they did something, these past two years, the dems are going to do something stupid. MSN's talking heads are screaming damn the torpedos full speed ahead!!! This worries me.
I have been listening to the talking heads and neither side is happy with the changes. The right hates anything Obama does so even if he changed parties, nuked Iran, and started driving an SUV I am sure there would be skeptics.
The left is also pissed that their great leader is not progressive enough for them and isn't going to shove unwanted health care down our throats.
My concern is that in order to show they did something, these past two years, the dems are going to do something stupid. MSN's talking heads are screaming damn the torpedos full speed ahead!!! This worries me.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Obama/Democrat's new strategy
Shit, we lost the health care battle we better go after the banks.
"Everyone hates banks!!!"
We will blame the banks for everything, just like the rich, they are behind all of our countries woes.
This comment is for Rachel Maddow and the Democrats.
I am sure no one is against the banks to repay the money lent to them by the government.
What people are against is raising taxes on companies that will then increase their fees and in essence pass the taxes they have to pass onto the customer.
Damn it; get it through your heads. Make things fair for EVERYONE (rich, middle, and poor), enforce laws, REGULATE BUT DONT OVER REGULATE, and keep your hands out of business (except to enforce fair laws).
Now you may ask, what are regulations and laws you approve of Warthogspec?*
*These are just off the top of my head. I am sure I will think of more and I invite you to propose your own. It would be great to debate what the difference is between reasonable laws and government over regulation.
This comment is for Rachel Maddow and the Democrats.
- Preventing monopolies
- Common sense laws that prevent companies from taking advantage of people:
- Truth in advertising
- Illegally breaking contracts
- Mandatory plain English contract
- Lemon Laws
- Harsher penalties for so called white collar crimes, insider trading, and embezzlement.
- These crimes cause more damage and more deaths then serial killers and the punishment should be just as severe.
- These crimes often affect MILLIONS of people.
- Transparency of government and business interaction.
- There is a “rumor” that the bank’s idiotic business practices with mortgages were due to government interference.
- Government should not be telling banks to give mortgages to people WHO CAN NOT PAY THEM!!!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Progressive Debate 101 continued
Here is an article by a progressive discussing the poll Howard Dean was talking about.
It is important to read it, because you can see how warped they are. They are actually going to attempt to use the victory of Scott Brown as a vote for them to do more.
They are actually going to say that people want more progressive legislation and that is why they voted for a Conservative. Because the progressives in power just are not progressive enough. And the only way to rectify that problem is to vote in a conservative?
That is like a person being raped screaming for help and the rapist claiming that was simply a request to be raped harder.
You betchya!!!
Here is the link to the article.
I have also pasted the article below:
Massachusetts voters who backed Barack Obama in the presidential election a year ago and either switched support to Republican Senate candidate Scott Brown or simply stayed home, said in a poll conducted after the election Tuesday night that if Democrats enact tougher policies on Wall Street, they'll be more likely to come back to the party in the next election.
A majority of Obama voters who switched to Brown said that "Democratic policies were doing more to help Wall Street than Main Street." A full 95 percent said the economy was important or very important when it came to deciding their vote.
In a somewhat paradoxical finding, a plurality of voters who switched to the Republican -- 37 percent -- said that Democrats were not being "hard enough" in challenging Republican policies.
It would be hard to find a clearer indication, it seems, that Tuesday's vote was cast in protest.
The poll also upends the conventional understanding of health care's role in the election. A plurality of people who switched -- 48 -- or didn't vote -- 43 -- said that they opposed the Senate health care bill. But the poll dug deeper and asked people why they opposed it. Among those Brown voters, 23 percent thought it went "too far" -- but 36 percent thought it didn't go far enough and 41 percent said they weren't sure why they opposed it.
Among voters who stayed home and opposed health care, a full 53 percent said they opposed the Senate bill because it didn't go far enough; 39 percent weren't sure and only eight percent thought it went too far.
The firm Research 2000 conducted the post-election survey Tuesday night on behalf of three progressive organizations -- the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Democracy for America and MoveOn.org.
Taken from interviews of 500 Obama backers who voted in the Senate election and 500 Obama backers who sat out the election, the firm discovered that 18 percent of Obama backers who voted in the Senate race ended up casting ballots for Brown.
Of that group, 82 percent said they favored a public option for insurance coverage, with 14 percent opposed. Of those who sat out the election, 86 percent favored the public option, while only seven percent opposed it. The findings suggests that progressive arguments that disappointed Obama supporters deserted have serious merit.
UPDATE: With little, if any, historical precedent for the current situation in Congress, anything is possible on Capitol Hill over the next few weeks. Progressives have seized on the chaos and the polling numbers above to argue that the message voters sent was that Democrats haven't been bold enough. So far, more than 100,000 people have signed a petition calling for the Senate to put the public option back into the health care bill and pass it using the parliamentary maneuver known as reconciliation, which only requires 50 votes plus the vice president. Meanwhile, top Democrats are taking the idea seriously.
"Congressional Democrats have now been given fair warning by voters about what they expect in 2010: faster change, bolder change, and a willingness to fight big corporations on behalf of the little guy," said Adam Green, whose organization is leading the petition effort. "The Lieberman-Nelson strategy lost Ted Kennedy's Senate seat. Now it's time to push the public option through reconciliation -- and then, on to strong Wall Street accountability."
It is important to read it, because you can see how warped they are. They are actually going to attempt to use the victory of Scott Brown as a vote for them to do more.
They are actually going to say that people want more progressive legislation and that is why they voted for a Conservative. Because the progressives in power just are not progressive enough. And the only way to rectify that problem is to vote in a conservative?
That is like a person being raped screaming for help and the rapist claiming that was simply a request to be raped harder.
You betchya!!!
Here is the link to the article.
I have also pasted the article below:
Massachusetts voters who backed Barack Obama in the presidential election a year ago and either switched support to Republican Senate candidate Scott Brown or simply stayed home, said in a poll conducted after the election Tuesday night that if Democrats enact tougher policies on Wall Street, they'll be more likely to come back to the party in the next election.
A majority of Obama voters who switched to Brown said that "Democratic policies were doing more to help Wall Street than Main Street." A full 95 percent said the economy was important or very important when it came to deciding their vote.
In a somewhat paradoxical finding, a plurality of voters who switched to the Republican -- 37 percent -- said that Democrats were not being "hard enough" in challenging Republican policies.
It would be hard to find a clearer indication, it seems, that Tuesday's vote was cast in protest.
The poll also upends the conventional understanding of health care's role in the election. A plurality of people who switched -- 48 -- or didn't vote -- 43 -- said that they opposed the Senate health care bill. But the poll dug deeper and asked people why they opposed it. Among those Brown voters, 23 percent thought it went "too far" -- but 36 percent thought it didn't go far enough and 41 percent said they weren't sure why they opposed it.
Among voters who stayed home and opposed health care, a full 53 percent said they opposed the Senate bill because it didn't go far enough; 39 percent weren't sure and only eight percent thought it went too far.
The firm Research 2000 conducted the post-election survey Tuesday night on behalf of three progressive organizations -- the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Democracy for America and MoveOn.org.
Taken from interviews of 500 Obama backers who voted in the Senate election and 500 Obama backers who sat out the election, the firm discovered that 18 percent of Obama backers who voted in the Senate race ended up casting ballots for Brown.
Of that group, 82 percent said they favored a public option for insurance coverage, with 14 percent opposed. Of those who sat out the election, 86 percent favored the public option, while only seven percent opposed it. The findings suggests that progressive arguments that disappointed Obama supporters deserted have serious merit.
UPDATE: With little, if any, historical precedent for the current situation in Congress, anything is possible on Capitol Hill over the next few weeks. Progressives have seized on the chaos and the polling numbers above to argue that the message voters sent was that Democrats haven't been bold enough. So far, more than 100,000 people have signed a petition calling for the Senate to put the public option back into the health care bill and pass it using the parliamentary maneuver known as reconciliation, which only requires 50 votes plus the vice president. Meanwhile, top Democrats are taking the idea seriously.
"Congressional Democrats have now been given fair warning by voters about what they expect in 2010: faster change, bolder change, and a willingness to fight big corporations on behalf of the little guy," said Adam Green, whose organization is leading the petition effort. "The Lieberman-Nelson strategy lost Ted Kennedy's Senate seat. Now it's time to push the public option through reconciliation -- and then, on to strong Wall Street accountability."
Progressive Debating 101
It takes a special kind of politician to make Chris Mathews look intelligent and pointiant. Howard Dean is just the politician to do it though.
Please tell me if you can understand what Howard Dean's point is?
Let me ask that question again, can you understand how he came to the conclusion that is his point?
Please tell me if you can understand what Howard Dean's point is?
Let me ask that question again, can you understand how he came to the conclusion that is his point?
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Rifle sights used by U.S. carry Bible references
WASHINGTON - Combat rifle sights used by U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan carry references to Bible verses, stoking concerns about whether the inscriptions break a government rule that bars proselytizing by American troops.
Military officials said the citations don't violate the ban and they won't stop using the telescoping sights, which allow troops to pinpoint the enemy day or night.
The contractor that makes the equipment, Trijicon of Wixom, Mich., said the U.S. military has been a customer since 1995 and the company has never received any complaints about the Scripture citations.
Military officials said the citations don't violate the ban and they won't stop using the telescoping sights, which allow troops to pinpoint the enemy day or night.
The contractor that makes the equipment, Trijicon of Wixom, Mich., said the U.S. military has been a customer since 1995 and the company has never received any complaints about the Scripture citations.
Lets go Massachusetts Save us from this pointless, money draining health care bill
Don't know Scott Brown and don't care. What I do know is that he will be an opposing vote to the health care bill. that will leave the Dems with only the nuclear option and if they go that route, we will see some exciting times.
From what I can understand Brown vs Coakley has basically come down to No vs Yes votes on the health care bill. Considering Massachusetts already has universal health care thanks in part to Mitt Romney, it is surprising that this election is close.
Speaking of it being close, this was an election no one expected anyone but a dem to win. In my humble opinion, this is a big FU to the late liberal lion.
Is Mass. attempting to save the US from the disastrous health care they currently have? If they are and succeed I solute them. If that is not their motive but still elect Brown, well I solute them anyway.
Not to put the cart before the horse, but after today they should start thinking about getting rid of John Kerry and Barney Frank. Just a thought.
From what I can understand Brown vs Coakley has basically come down to No vs Yes votes on the health care bill. Considering Massachusetts already has universal health care thanks in part to Mitt Romney, it is surprising that this election is close.
Speaking of it being close, this was an election no one expected anyone but a dem to win. In my humble opinion, this is a big FU to the late liberal lion.
Is Mass. attempting to save the US from the disastrous health care they currently have? If they are and succeed I solute them. If that is not their motive but still elect Brown, well I solute them anyway.
Not to put the cart before the horse, but after today they should start thinking about getting rid of John Kerry and Barney Frank. Just a thought.
Monday, January 18, 2010
The Gun Control Arguement
This may be easy pickings but this kid has multiple videos on youtube. He is uneducated, unless you consider watching Michael Moore as an education. He is also hilarious. This kid spouts every ridiculous anti gun argument ever created and says it with a straight face.
He quotes numbers from CHINA!!! China has gun control and there are no deaths. LMFAO......He is probably wrong, but I am sure the numbers are low. UNLESS, you take into consideration the governments shooting civilians. But who cares about them.
Also, if there were no guns you would have no deaths. Every once in a while he says no deaths by guns. LOL, he could be right. No guns no gun deaths. No guns more knife, bat, brick, hand, bow and arrow, hatchet,etc deaths.
Suicides - People who want to kill themselves do not decide to do it because they have a gun. They use a gun because they decided to kill themselves and the gun is the easiest method. If they didn't have a gun they would move down the list. Not sure what is the next easiest, but I think I would do pills and vodka.
I did not put this up hear because this kid is any threat. What I posted this for is to point out how dangerous Michael Moore is with his fake documentaries. I trust that this kid with grow up and one day be supremely embarrassed by this video. I know a lot of former liberals who are embarrassed by their former naive views.
Maybe we should change the legal voting age to 30? That is a joke but only sort of.
He quotes numbers from CHINA!!! China has gun control and there are no deaths. LMFAO......He is probably wrong, but I am sure the numbers are low. UNLESS, you take into consideration the governments shooting civilians. But who cares about them.
Also, if there were no guns you would have no deaths. Every once in a while he says no deaths by guns. LOL, he could be right. No guns no gun deaths. No guns more knife, bat, brick, hand, bow and arrow, hatchet,etc deaths.
Suicides - People who want to kill themselves do not decide to do it because they have a gun. They use a gun because they decided to kill themselves and the gun is the easiest method. If they didn't have a gun they would move down the list. Not sure what is the next easiest, but I think I would do pills and vodka.
I did not put this up hear because this kid is any threat. What I posted this for is to point out how dangerous Michael Moore is with his fake documentaries. I trust that this kid with grow up and one day be supremely embarrassed by this video. I know a lot of former liberals who are embarrassed by their former naive views.
Maybe we should change the legal voting age to 30? That is a joke but only sort of.
Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas
Proof that being tough on crime works!!! Good job Mr. Thomas!
Gonzalez - Jan. 18, 2010 12:00 AM
The Republic | azcentral.com
The Valley saw a 38.5 percent drop in the number of reported vehicle thefts for the first half of 2009, Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas says, a decline he tied to more vigorous police investigations and prosecutions.
Valley police agencies reported 7,492 vehicle thefts between January and June 2009, which was a sharp drop from the 12,190 reported in the same period in 2008.
The decline is important, Thomas said, because the sour economy has families relying more on their vehicles.
The largest declines were in Mesa, at 44 percent, and Phoenix, at 40 percent.
Other communities with declines included Chandler, 39 percent; Tempe, 35 percent; and Glendale, 31 percent.
In the past three years, Thomas' Bureau has prosecuted 4,700 people, with a conviction rate of 95.5 percent.
Gonzalez - Jan. 18, 2010 12:00 AM
The Republic | azcentral.com
The Valley saw a 38.5 percent drop in the number of reported vehicle thefts for the first half of 2009, Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas says, a decline he tied to more vigorous police investigations and prosecutions.
Valley police agencies reported 7,492 vehicle thefts between January and June 2009, which was a sharp drop from the 12,190 reported in the same period in 2008.
The decline is important, Thomas said, because the sour economy has families relying more on their vehicles.
The largest declines were in Mesa, at 44 percent, and Phoenix, at 40 percent.
Other communities with declines included Chandler, 39 percent; Tempe, 35 percent; and Glendale, 31 percent.
In the past three years, Thomas' Bureau has prosecuted 4,700 people, with a conviction rate of 95.5 percent.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Getting Bent Over (It Pisses Me Off)
The news today is that the DemocRATS are one step closer to fully f*cking all hard working Americans while protecting their Unions and dead beats. Hip Hip Hurray...........puke.
Remember the good old days when the politicians had the decency to lie and hide their unconstitutional behavior from us?
Now they think they are so powerful and holier than thou that they can just spit in our eye and say, "what are you going to do about it?".
Short of revolution we can vote their asses out. My states pulling its share but we need hard working people everywhere to get off their asses and vote. Not just vote, but get others to vote as well. No more sitting back and taking what the current voters give you.
Lets list plain and simple how we are being screwed:
1. We haven't even seen the bill. We only know what the Dems have so graciously thrown to us like bread crumbs.
2. Senators who were opposed to the bill were paid off to get their votes. Now Nebraska, Florida and Louisiana have sweetheart deals the other 47 states have to pay for.
3. Republicans have been completely shut out of this process altogether.
4. The unions who back this health care at the beginning suddenly put the breaks on it when their insurance was in danger of being taxed. Now they have brokered another sweetheart deal so the unions are exempt from being taxed until 2017. HOW THE F*CK IS THIS FAIR???????
I am so livid I can not see straight. The hypocrisy has gone too far. If you thought there were radicals out there before you just wait and see. This is going to turn this country up side down.
You can not treat one group of Americans differently than you treat another.
I have to calm down and look at the good signs. There are multiple State Attorneys’ General who are filing lawsuits against the congress for their obvious disparate treatment.
There are already planned lawsuits to send this to the Supreme Court for a ruling on its constitutionality. If you want this in your state go for it. I will choose to live elsewhere. But, do not force all Americans to join in on what is so blatantly a road to failure and corruption.
Remember the good old days when the politicians had the decency to lie and hide their unconstitutional behavior from us?
Now they think they are so powerful and holier than thou that they can just spit in our eye and say, "what are you going to do about it?".
Short of revolution we can vote their asses out. My states pulling its share but we need hard working people everywhere to get off their asses and vote. Not just vote, but get others to vote as well. No more sitting back and taking what the current voters give you.
Lets list plain and simple how we are being screwed:
1. We haven't even seen the bill. We only know what the Dems have so graciously thrown to us like bread crumbs.
2. Senators who were opposed to the bill were paid off to get their votes. Now Nebraska, Florida and Louisiana have sweetheart deals the other 47 states have to pay for.
3. Republicans have been completely shut out of this process altogether.
4. The unions who back this health care at the beginning suddenly put the breaks on it when their insurance was in danger of being taxed. Now they have brokered another sweetheart deal so the unions are exempt from being taxed until 2017. HOW THE F*CK IS THIS FAIR???????
I am so livid I can not see straight. The hypocrisy has gone too far. If you thought there were radicals out there before you just wait and see. This is going to turn this country up side down.
You can not treat one group of Americans differently than you treat another.
I have to calm down and look at the good signs. There are multiple State Attorneys’ General who are filing lawsuits against the congress for their obvious disparate treatment.
There are already planned lawsuits to send this to the Supreme Court for a ruling on its constitutionality. If you want this in your state go for it. I will choose to live elsewhere. But, do not force all Americans to join in on what is so blatantly a road to failure and corruption.
Video of Liberal Planning and its Outcome
I have not been to Detroit, but I have been to a GM plant in Indiana. It was still running but at 25% capacity. It was miserable. The place seemed dead, they were using only one out of every three lights which made the place seem like something out of a scary movie. There were entire sections not being used and they were not cleaned after usage stopped so there was crap just laying around everywhere. The mood was made doubly sad by the cloudy weather and it did made me think of pictures and movies about Russia.
The people I to work with were all union and I was warned by my coworkers to keep my conservative mouth shut. A coworker had been punched or shoved over a table because he got sick of waiting, after three hours, and plugged the power cord to the tool into the wall. This pissed off the union electrician whose job it was to plug the plug in. The dirty lib also told me that when he was there, he was confronted by a union member that asked him, "Do you think your better than me?". Well I am not sure what that even means, but it is not a nice greating.
So, I went, because its my job, and prepared for the worst. I did not experience any of the activities above and instead found a group of people willing to work and eager to get the tool running. Why you ask? Because every single person there was afraid of losing there job if the plant completely closed. They were down to 1 person per trade plus engineers and operators.
I was told that I would be in more of a supervisory role and I was to tell the guys what to do to repair the tool. I thought it was a sweet gig, but somethings are better shown than told. A couple of time I jumped in with out thinking and no one said anything. A few days later I was working with a new guy that told me he was the electrician. We were replacing a part that has four bolts, two electrical sensors, and pneumatic lines attached to it. When I said we had to remove the part he hummed and hawwed and then said okay. The then told me that a year ago it would have taken three people to remove this part, an electrician trade to unplug the sensors, a plumber trade to unplug the pnuematics, and an equipement (wtf???) trade to unbolt the bolts. Three skilled people to remove a part that any child could remove. Fortunately, these guys were wiser and because they were working with so few people, they agreed it would be okay for an electrician to do plumbing work, the equipment trade to do electrical work, etc.
It seemed to me that these guys were getting IT, IT being that three people to do one easy job was not good, I just wonder if it will stay with them. I still saw union stickers on everyones tool boxes, hard hats, and bumpers. If there is a recovery for them, will they go back to the status quo?
The people I to work with were all union and I was warned by my coworkers to keep my conservative mouth shut. A coworker had been punched or shoved over a table because he got sick of waiting, after three hours, and plugged the power cord to the tool into the wall. This pissed off the union electrician whose job it was to plug the plug in. The dirty lib also told me that when he was there, he was confronted by a union member that asked him, "Do you think your better than me?". Well I am not sure what that even means, but it is not a nice greating.
So, I went, because its my job, and prepared for the worst. I did not experience any of the activities above and instead found a group of people willing to work and eager to get the tool running. Why you ask? Because every single person there was afraid of losing there job if the plant completely closed. They were down to 1 person per trade plus engineers and operators.
I was told that I would be in more of a supervisory role and I was to tell the guys what to do to repair the tool. I thought it was a sweet gig, but somethings are better shown than told. A couple of time I jumped in with out thinking and no one said anything. A few days later I was working with a new guy that told me he was the electrician. We were replacing a part that has four bolts, two electrical sensors, and pneumatic lines attached to it. When I said we had to remove the part he hummed and hawwed and then said okay. The then told me that a year ago it would have taken three people to remove this part, an electrician trade to unplug the sensors, a plumber trade to unplug the pnuematics, and an equipement (wtf???) trade to unbolt the bolts. Three skilled people to remove a part that any child could remove. Fortunately, these guys were wiser and because they were working with so few people, they agreed it would be okay for an electrician to do plumbing work, the equipment trade to do electrical work, etc.
It seemed to me that these guys were getting IT, IT being that three people to do one easy job was not good, I just wonder if it will stay with them. I still saw union stickers on everyones tool boxes, hard hats, and bumpers. If there is a recovery for them, will they go back to the status quo?
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Unbelievable Numbers
I decided to look this up for the dirty lib(s). I have no clue what it means in the big picture, maybe it means conservatives have too much time on their hands. Or maybe it means people are looking for people who talk about conservative talking points.
While I find Fox News entertaining and dare I say comforting (to know there are others who share a lot of my views), I do not believe they are fair and balanced. Maybe they were at one time, but when you have every high profile conservative with zero liberals as commentators and contributors that does not make for balance. I do find that they attempt to have both sides on, even if the commentator is conservative.
So what do you think? Do you listen or watch any news shows because make you are comfortable with them, even if you disagree with them some times?
While I find Fox News entertaining and dare I say comforting (to know there are others who share a lot of my views), I do not believe they are fair and balanced. Maybe they were at one time, but when you have every high profile conservative with zero liberals as commentators and contributors that does not make for balance. I do find that they attempt to have both sides on, even if the commentator is conservative.
So what do you think? Do you listen or watch any news shows because make you are comfortable with them, even if you disagree with them some times?
The Scoreboard: Tuesday, Jan. 12
By Kevin Allocca on Jan 13, 2010 05:11 PM
25-54 demographic: (L +SD)
Total day: FNC: 451 | CNN: 183 | MSNBC: 119 | HLN: 164
Prime: FNC: 766 | CNN: 344 | MSNBC: 214 | HLN: 215
5p: 6p: 7p: 8p: 9p: 10p: 11p:
FNC Beck: Baier: Shep: O'Reilly: Hannity: Greta: O'Reilly:
732 482 605 993 637 665 713
CNN Blitzer: Blitzer: Tonight: Brown: King: Cooper: Cooper:
143 261 358 284 328 419 327
MSNBC Matthews: EdShow: Matthews: Olbermann: Maddow: Olbermann: Maddow:
124 157 214 271 203 167 108
HLN Prime: Prime: Issues: Grace: Behar: Grace: Showbiz:
151 243 258 271 175 213 142
Data by Nielsen Media Research. Live and same day (DVR) data.
Total Viewers: (L +SD)
Total day: FNC: 1677 | CNN: 629 | MSNBC: 412| HLN: 338
Prime: FNC: 2936 | CNN: 1105 | MSNBC: 759 | HLN: 578
5p: 6p: 7p: 8p: 9p: 10p: 11p:
FNC Beck:2566 Baier: 2298 Shep:2411 O'Reilly:3954 Hannity:2594 Greta:2251 O'Reilly:2136
CNN Blitzer:644 Blitzer:949 Tonight:1135 Brown:999 King:1162 Cooper: 1147 Cooper:772
MSNBC Matthews:520 EdShow:583 Matthews:701 Olbermann:906 Maddow:813 Olbermann:557 Maddow:346
HLN Prime:259 Prime:407 Issues:509 Grace:704 Behar:652 Grace:403 Showbiz:327
Imperialist America at it again
It was just announced that American military units where setting up bases in Haiti . Just as they did in Indonesia in 2005, the Americans are moving military units backed up by Navy Aircraft Carriers and troops to invade a sovereign country.
The Great Satan again pushes its way into peace loving people lives taking advantage of natural disasters. Fortunately, the noble countries of Russia , China , Iran , Venezuela , Cuba and many others have decided to not take advantage of the disaster by keeping their resources at home.
People may wonder how the heavily indebted America can fund such a devious invasion, but the truth is it probably never entered their minds. They saw a nation ripe for the invading and never wanting to let a good crisis go to waste sent troops without hesitation. This invasion is obviously racially motivated as the Haitian country is 85% black.
The UN is also planning to invade, but as usual they are dragging their feet, most likely waiting for America to do the heavy lifting.
This just in, the Americans apparently heavily burdened by illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are having to send in Firemen and other units wearing red crosses to supplement the troops. The devious Americans are also reported to be hiding their weapons of war in crates marked food and water. Unexpectedly, the Haitian Red Cross is welcoming the US invasion.
There are unconfirmed reports that the earth quake was created by a form of super duper Thermite Plasma that was painted on a fault below the ocean by Navy Seals.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Harry Reid and Race Relations
Every time someone said, "Obama is so articulate, Obama speaks so well" was saying the same thing. I would like to compare it to
I understand the negative connotation attributed with anything close to the N word, but black sounds just as bad, and I can not stand adding any thing to American (i.e., African American, Mexican American, Italian American) I am not Irish American or Norwegian American. I am American and would love to have any American of any heritage join me in being just an American.
Racism is alive and well. I am sure it is no where near what it was back in the 60s and earlier, but I do fear it has gone more underground. All you have to do is go online to see racism. I just experienced it last night while playing Call of Duty. My friend and I signed into a game and immediately were welcome by a guy who was berating someone because he was black. I will not stand for this online, in my home, or in my presence. My friend and I started making fun of the red neck who then started calling us Benedict Arnolds to our race. Can you believe it? We, however, did not let up and he finally shut up.
I sincerely hope that all people regardless of color stand up against bigots and racists. Do not let a racist comment go unchallenged. As I said before, I will not tolerate it in my home from friends or strangers. I have kicked people out of my house on multiple occasions and even dumped a girl who said it was justified that her brother was a racist because of where they grew up (some southern state). I do not accept this as a viable excuse. I have also lost a close friendship with a cousin because her husband is a huge bigot and thought it was okay to tell racist jokes at family events. We have not talked since I threatened to punch him in the face if I heard him say another racist comment.
Now this is not to say that you can not talk about race. I do not like trash regardless of race. I do not like Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, or whites who celebrate ignorance and violence. That is exactly what this blog is against. However, I do not believe the use of historically offensive terms should be used to describe these people and only make the person using the term look like an idiot.
Trash is trash no matter what the color of their skin is.
So the question to the reader is, "Are you a part of the problem or part of the solution?"
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Obama and Terrorism
I am not on the band wagon of ripping Obama for the most recent incident on an air craft nor for the secret service failures. I do believe some people's asses should have been bitten off and spit out.
That being said, I wonder if Obama's policies toward terrorism are not being shown as weak and that is why we are seeing these attacks. I will with hold judgment for now, but urge everyone to not jump on this band wagon that is all over the conservative media. The real failure comes from our Nation Security Agency that was created to combine information to specifically prevent this kind of lash up. I hold them accountable and think someone should lose their job.
In the words of the coffee covered unnamed officer in Top Gun, "I WANT SOME BUTTS!!!"
When it comes to the Secret Service, these over sights are completely unacceptable and just embarrassing. As far as I know, the President has no control over the their policies and training. I may be wrong about this, but the leadership within the Secret Service is responsible for people getting past them.
We have to be fair in appointing blame and I refuse to blame the guy at the top for every thing that happens underneath him. I said this during Bush's administration, the president has far to much responsibility and can not possibly know everything that is going on.
Hehe, that is why I believe we should bring the power back to the states and lighten federal governments burden. Lets bring it back to basics and have them only take care of our national defense, foreign trade, and international policy.
That being said, I wonder if Obama's policies toward terrorism are not being shown as weak and that is why we are seeing these attacks. I will with hold judgment for now, but urge everyone to not jump on this band wagon that is all over the conservative media. The real failure comes from our Nation Security Agency that was created to combine information to specifically prevent this kind of lash up. I hold them accountable and think someone should lose their job.
In the words of the coffee covered unnamed officer in Top Gun, "I WANT SOME BUTTS!!!"
When it comes to the Secret Service, these over sights are completely unacceptable and just embarrassing. As far as I know, the President has no control over the their policies and training. I may be wrong about this, but the leadership within the Secret Service is responsible for people getting past them.
We have to be fair in appointing blame and I refuse to blame the guy at the top for every thing that happens underneath him. I said this during Bush's administration, the president has far to much responsibility and can not possibly know everything that is going on.
Hehe, that is why I believe we should bring the power back to the states and lighten federal governments burden. Lets bring it back to basics and have them only take care of our national defense, foreign trade, and international policy.
What do you say to police if you just acted in self defense?
I got my wife a conceiled carry purse for Christmas and we went out to the desert to give her some practice on how to carry it when leaving a store and walking to her car. We then practiced drawing and firing.
She asked me what she should tell the cops if there was a shooting and I got sorta stumped. You would think to tell the truth, but then you think about the guy who told the truth so much that his story was used against him and put him in jail.
So, I defered the question to my best friend, who is a cop, since he was standing next to me.
He said to tell the cops what happened. They need to know what to look for and if you just say you want a lawyer the cop is going to think you are guilty of something.
I would like to hear what you think and I would like to have the cops add to this. What should be told, what shouldn't be told, at what point should you lawyer up?
She asked me what she should tell the cops if there was a shooting and I got sorta stumped. You would think to tell the truth, but then you think about the guy who told the truth so much that his story was used against him and put him in jail.
So, I defered the question to my best friend, who is a cop, since he was standing next to me.
He said to tell the cops what happened. They need to know what to look for and if you just say you want a lawyer the cop is going to think you are guilty of something.
I would like to hear what you think and I would like to have the cops add to this. What should be told, what shouldn't be told, at what point should you lawyer up?
Cop Killer Put to Death in Texas' First Execution of Year
Congratulations to Texas on starting the new year executing a douche bag in the first week. I like to see that it only took 13 years, but would like to see it down to 5 or less. What ever happened to the express lane Texas was talking about putting in for the death penalty?
Feel free to comment you hanky stomping liberals!!!!
Thursday, January 07, 2010
HUNTSVILLE, Texas — A man convicted of gunning down a Dallas-area police officer during an attempted bank robbery has been executed.
Fifty-one-year-old Kenneth Mosley is the first prisoner in Texas to be put to death by lethal injection this year.
Texas is the nation's busiest death penalty state.
Mosley was condemned for the February 1997 slaying of David Moore, an officer in the Dallas suburb of Garland. His lethal injection was carried out Thursday night after his legal appeals became exhausted.
The punishment had been stalled twice last year by technical issues and court appeals.
Feel free to comment you hanky stomping liberals!!!!
Thursday, January 07, 2010

HUNTSVILLE, Texas — A man convicted of gunning down a Dallas-area police officer during an attempted bank robbery has been executed.
Fifty-one-year-old Kenneth Mosley is the first prisoner in Texas to be put to death by lethal injection this year.
Texas is the nation's busiest death penalty state.
Mosley was condemned for the February 1997 slaying of David Moore, an officer in the Dallas suburb of Garland. His lethal injection was carried out Thursday night after his legal appeals became exhausted.
The punishment had been stalled twice last year by technical issues and court appeals.
ATF is inviting Latin nations to boost role in tracking guns
Wow, giving a corrupt government access to our firearm information, that's scary.
I wonder if this is one of the small steps to taking our rights away.
Could this even lead to a nation firearm database....maybe eventually gun confiscation?
The one thing I will be interested in is to see if these guns are coming from the US.
Wow, giving a corrupt government access to our firearm information, that's scary.
I wonder if this is one of the small steps to taking our rights away.
Could this even lead to a nation firearm database....maybe eventually gun confiscation?
The one thing I will be interested in is to see if these guns are coming from the US.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
I am watching Keith Obermann because I like to torture myself from time to time. The unbelievable statement of the day is: "How much more transparent can the President be?" Speaking on the fact that he has come out and admitted there were mistakes in the system and the fact that he is not afraid to admit these oversights even where Al Qaida can hear it.
So again I point out that Libs believe it is okay to be open with terrorists but not okay to open with the American people when it comes to health care.
I believe the opposite. I don't need to know what the government is doing to keep us safe as long as it is keeping us safe against foreign adversaries. I do not feel bad violating the so called rights of those who would see us destroyed.
I do feel the need to know what my government is doing to change my way of life and take umbrage at the government telling me what to do, how to do it, and when.
I have been watching this show for 20 minutes now and every segment has had something do with Fox News. It is hilarious to me, but not new. I have watched Obermann before and his entire show is aimed at attacking everything done on Fox News. This leads me to believe that Obermann has zero ideas of his own, but has a rebuttal, or so he thinks, for anything someone on the right has to say.
He just stated, "Too much Fox News tonight, well there is always too much Fox News." Funny how right he is. While he was making a jab at Fox News, he was appropriately labeling his show.
If you watch Obermann I would love to hear a case for why this guy is relevant.
So again I point out that Libs believe it is okay to be open with terrorists but not okay to open with the American people when it comes to health care.
I believe the opposite. I don't need to know what the government is doing to keep us safe as long as it is keeping us safe against foreign adversaries. I do not feel bad violating the so called rights of those who would see us destroyed.
I do feel the need to know what my government is doing to change my way of life and take umbrage at the government telling me what to do, how to do it, and when.
I have been watching this show for 20 minutes now and every segment has had something do with Fox News. It is hilarious to me, but not new. I have watched Obermann before and his entire show is aimed at attacking everything done on Fox News. This leads me to believe that Obermann has zero ideas of his own, but has a rebuttal, or so he thinks, for anything someone on the right has to say.
He just stated, "Too much Fox News tonight, well there is always too much Fox News." Funny how right he is. While he was making a jab at Fox News, he was appropriately labeling his show.
If you watch Obermann I would love to hear a case for why this guy is relevant.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Follower's comments to WTF!!! part 2, and my response
This is in response to a comment on my previous blog post. You should read that post before reading this one.
To WTF #2: I didn't heard that "Obama ordering an attack on Yemen soil." So when I read your post I did a WTF??? I clicked on your link and it clearly says Yemeni Security forces did it; which is significantly different. You are right, the link I posted was about the most recent Yemeni (?) government actions. It was a week or two prior that a prediter drone was used to launch a missle at some bad guys. When I first read the news on Dec 24 everyone said US drone, now I find a bunch of conspiracy crap. Either way, the point remains the same.
That is the way it should be, with the US supporting and backing such efforts. I'm all for the US playing THAT role--it's the right role and the way that works best. But when I read your take, I wondered if this is the difference between us (me being a dirty lib and you my staunt conservative Republican friend.)
I would love for countries to take care of their own. I think they should be the first line of defense.
By the way, my husband says we should just use Tomahawk diplomacy. Close all the military bases (save billions of dollars) and just build several floating aircraft carriers to deploy Tomahawks when needed:) a
If it was feasable it would be great, but when you think of global politics and economics you get a real quesy feeling about how fragile the whole damn thing is. If we took an isolationist attitude we would all have to live different lifestyles.
WTF#3: I agree 100% about the blame, unless of course the state was waiting on funds for approved projects that never got funded. (See, there might be other things at play here that add to the blame.
There is the catch. Who is responsible for your own safety? Theoretically, we elect our officials with the hope that they will take care of the every day issues and lead us in case of an emergency. The way I see it in New Orleans is that the blame should start with the individual and roll up through local government, to county, to state, then to federal. There were multiple areas hit by Katrina but all we talk about is New Orleans. WHY? Because they were the least prepared and saw the highest deaths and destruction. I am sure there are people who could surmise the cause better than I but this is how I see it. Everyone who lived in New Orleans new they lived in a bowl. This bowl was dry with water all around it. Yet they failed to get out at the first warnings. They also relied on government to save them even after they failed to heed the warnings. The other areas that were hit, took care of each other and did not wait for government to save them. I think both a news worth and should have been studied. We have a lot to learn from the failures and the successes.
I think I know what you would do if US Marshalls ordered you at gunpoint to surrender your weapon. You would follow the law and surrender your weapon, because you of all people don't like law breakers. You have told me such when speaking about illegal aliens.
You missed the whole point of my statement. You say I would follow the law and the law states I have a right to possess my weapons. The US Marshalls broke the law by taking the guns as proven by the court order. They took peoples gun when they needed them the most. They left law abiding people unable to defend themselves. At what point do you say no?
WTF?? #4 - My favorite of your WTF moments. In school, history was never a subject I liked. Just as you say, much of the history we learn is so boiled down, we don't get much out of it or learn the back-story which is where the most interesting informative and teachable parts are. As for the man in the bookstore, I am reminded that the glass is indeed half full:)
History is very important to me and believe we do our children a great disservice by holding back the horrible acts that created the world as it is today. We need to show all sides of history and do it as impartially as possible. For every horrible act there are the victims and perpetrators, but there are also the rebels who either argued or fought against their own people. We are taught that Germany is responsible for the holocaust in school. It wasn't till I studied on my own that I found out that not all of Germany was for it and some who rebeled against it. The same goes for taking land from the Indians and enslaving Africans. Knowledge is power so gain as much as you can, read as much as you can, and never let a good debate pass you by.
To WTF #2: I didn't heard that "Obama ordering an attack on Yemen soil." So when I read your post I did a WTF??? I clicked on your link and it clearly says Yemeni Security forces did it; which is significantly different. You are right, the link I posted was about the most recent Yemeni (?) government actions. It was a week or two prior that a prediter drone was used to launch a missle at some bad guys. When I first read the news on Dec 24 everyone said US drone, now I find a bunch of conspiracy crap. Either way, the point remains the same.
That is the way it should be, with the US supporting and backing such efforts. I'm all for the US playing THAT role--it's the right role and the way that works best. But when I read your take, I wondered if this is the difference between us (me being a dirty lib and you my staunt conservative Republican friend.)
I would love for countries to take care of their own. I think they should be the first line of defense.
By the way, my husband says we should just use Tomahawk diplomacy. Close all the military bases (save billions of dollars) and just build several floating aircraft carriers to deploy Tomahawks when needed:) a
If it was feasable it would be great, but when you think of global politics and economics you get a real quesy feeling about how fragile the whole damn thing is. If we took an isolationist attitude we would all have to live different lifestyles.
WTF#3: I agree 100% about the blame, unless of course the state was waiting on funds for approved projects that never got funded. (See, there might be other things at play here that add to the blame.
There is the catch. Who is responsible for your own safety? Theoretically, we elect our officials with the hope that they will take care of the every day issues and lead us in case of an emergency. The way I see it in New Orleans is that the blame should start with the individual and roll up through local government, to county, to state, then to federal. There were multiple areas hit by Katrina but all we talk about is New Orleans. WHY? Because they were the least prepared and saw the highest deaths and destruction. I am sure there are people who could surmise the cause better than I but this is how I see it. Everyone who lived in New Orleans new they lived in a bowl. This bowl was dry with water all around it. Yet they failed to get out at the first warnings. They also relied on government to save them even after they failed to heed the warnings. The other areas that were hit, took care of each other and did not wait for government to save them. I think both a news worth and should have been studied. We have a lot to learn from the failures and the successes.
I think I know what you would do if US Marshalls ordered you at gunpoint to surrender your weapon. You would follow the law and surrender your weapon, because you of all people don't like law breakers. You have told me such when speaking about illegal aliens.
You missed the whole point of my statement. You say I would follow the law and the law states I have a right to possess my weapons. The US Marshalls broke the law by taking the guns as proven by the court order. They took peoples gun when they needed them the most. They left law abiding people unable to defend themselves. At what point do you say no?
WTF?? #4 - My favorite of your WTF moments. In school, history was never a subject I liked. Just as you say, much of the history we learn is so boiled down, we don't get much out of it or learn the back-story which is where the most interesting informative and teachable parts are. As for the man in the bookstore, I am reminded that the glass is indeed half full:)
History is very important to me and believe we do our children a great disservice by holding back the horrible acts that created the world as it is today. We need to show all sides of history and do it as impartially as possible. For every horrible act there are the victims and perpetrators, but there are also the rebels who either argued or fought against their own people. We are taught that Germany is responsible for the holocaust in school. It wasn't till I studied on my own that I found out that not all of Germany was for it and some who rebeled against it. The same goes for taking land from the Indians and enslaving Africans. Knowledge is power so gain as much as you can, read as much as you can, and never let a good debate pass you by.
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